Three Ways to Tackle Difficult Interview Questions
Tackle the interview with confidence!
When it comes to the interview process, there is no such thing as being “over-prepared”. Researching the position, updating your portfolio, and practicing your interview conversation are all necessary aspects of job-hunt preparation. Even if you spend several days or weeks preparing for the interview, you might be asked a question that you don’t know the answer to. Here are three helpful strategies to cope with difficult interview questions. Read on!
Create a Fail-Safe
While you’re preparing for the interview, ensure that you have a fail-safe answer prepared for those difficult questions. For example, if the interviewer asks you about specific technologies in your field that you don’t yet have experience with, respond with, “I’m not familiar with that concept, but I am familiar with [insert similar technology]”.
Slow it Down
If you’re asked a question you don’t know the answer to, stop and take your time. Acknowledge the quality of the question, and ask the interviewer to repeat it or even explain further.
Began a Conversation
Once you’ve taken a minute to gather your thoughts, try explaining your thought process aloud. Ask the interviewer related questions to the topic in hopes of sparking a conversation. After all, your interview should be a chance for you to learn more about the position and what it has to offer you.
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