4 Tactics For Relieving Stress Before An Important Interview

Land your dream job by following AlignStaffing’s tips on relieving interview stress!
We’ve all been there. You prepare for that big interview by repeating relevant career highlights before entering the building. You come up with a series of responses that showcase your abilities, qualifications, and experience. Sitting in an uncomfortable chair in front of a team of seasoned veterans can trap those well-prepared words in your throat, however. Job interview anxiety is the most common stress Americans face. It’s understandable. It’s scary to think that so much emphasis is placed on our abilities to make good first impressions while appearing confident, competent, and highly organized. Add stress to that equation and it feels impossible. Too much stress before an interview could keep you from landing your dream job! Planning for your big day by unwinding beforehand will keep your head cool and your self-esteem unshakable. Present the best version of yourself possible! Go in there believing you will get the job. This week, we’ll walk you through how to put those overactive nerves to rest with 4 surefire ways to relieve interview stress before an important job opportunity.
Getting Enough Sleep
In any avenue of life getting your sleep always reduces stress. One of the biggest causes of burn out, whether you have a rough finals week, crazy work week, or rapidly approaching deadlines, is sleep deprivation. Tossing and turning the night before will have you unfocused and running on fumes. Imagine trying to answer complicated questions in which you must respond creatively, while feeling mentally and physically exhausted. It’s really hard to do! Even without sleep deprivation, the highly competitive job market we live in makes the interview process appear a daunting task. Physically exhausting yourself with vigorous exercise the day before will help you sleep soundly and relieve interview stress. Practice doing so, and you’ll be moving forward with your career in no time!
Over prepare, Over prepare, Over prepare
You need to know the company you’re interviewing for. You need to know the lexicon of the field for which you are applying. You need to know the clientele you’ll be working with. This helps you come up with a list of skills, qualifications and expertise you’d like to emphasize once the questions start coming. And they won’t stop. With few breaks to collect your thoughts, being prepared for anything helps you avoid stuttering and awkward pausing. Get to know your interviewer by researching them on social media. Hold a few practice interviews with friends and family. Knowing what you’re going to say is good, but actually saying it perfects your delivery. Don’t get caught falling all over your words! Relieve interview stress by over preparing. Practice makes perfect.
The Early Bird Gets The Worm
Arrive early. Leave your home at least an hour early. Getting lost and rushing causes tons of unnecessary interview stress! Pull up the location on your GPS the night before and know the company’s relative area. Have it saved and ready to go on your phone so you don’t have to find it again when you wake up. You don’t want to arrive frazzled, it will be obvious you’re stressed, which doesn’t look good when employers are assessing your ability to handle it well. At least 30 minutes prior to the scheduled time of the interview, you should be practicing your responses in your car. Enter the building with 15 minutes to spare so your interviewer knows you’re present and can prepare themselves accordingly as well.
Get In Touch With Your Cosmic Insignificance
Relax. This is only temporary, and failure is a necessary part of the human experience. A big interview can be terrifying, but basing its success on your personal worth destroys confidence. If you find yourself feeling too overwhelmed, it helps to gain perspective. View the interview as a chance to meet new people and expand your network! Whether or not you do well in an interview does not need to be an all-encompassing symbol of your success. Breathe. At the end of the day, you are a fleck of dust, on a minuscule piece of rock, floating around in one galaxy which is one of millions. This too shall pass.
Get In Touch With AlignStaffing To Land An Important Interview!
Alignstaffing leads the market in staffing solutions by placing top candidates in the healthcare, education, and social service industries. As the most trusted and successful staffing company in DC, Maryland, Virginia, Delaware, and even Pennsylvania and New York, we’re dedicated to providing employers with qualified professionals, and professionals with their dream jobs.
If you’re looking for tailored staffing services, contact us online or give us a call at 1-877-557-3422 (toll-free) or 301-220-0580.
We make perfect matches for professionals and employers alike, with impressive testimonials and a top team of staffing experts.
Opportunities open doors to success. Don’t put off your success—let Alignstaffing lead the way.
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